Kennishead Larder Updates

As we approach week 37. We would like to reflect on Kennishead Larder’s progress and our future hopes.

Thank you to our 80+ members who visit our larder each week. We now have over 380 members. Seeing so many people returning and providing positive feedback makes us so happy. Please continue providing feedback. Our larder can only continue to grow and progress knowing we have everything our members require.

Many members and visitors will have noticed the changes we have made over the last few months. Expanding the larder to accommodate a second room. Filled with clothes, baby items, personal care and free items section. This has made a huge impact on the range of products we can now offer. More recently we introduced our Pay It Forward Project. Each week we surprise members with even more savings on their shopping. This is due to the generosity of fellow members and donations from the public. All we ask is in return when providing our special gift tag is that our members pass on a kind gesture to another. Creating a beautiful ripple of kindness.

In the coming weeks, our aim is to stock even more fresh products. Sourcing only the best produce for our members at the most affordable prices. We look forward to providing fresh ingredients from Kennisheads very own community garden. Providing people of Kennishead and our very own larder with beautiful freshly grown fruit and vegetables. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our suppliers who give so generously and who help keep our shelves stocked. A special thank you to Newlands Bakery, Corrie Mains Eggs, Seasonal Produce, Tunnocks Bakery, Warburtons and Iceland. To everyone in the community with whom we work closely in partnership.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support.

Suzanne & Team Kennishead Larder

Kennishead Larder Image