The Base Larder
The Base Larder, which opened on Wednesday, April 3, is designed to help reduce financial strain on households struggling with food insecurity.
Sandyhills Larder
Sandyhills Larder, located at 20 Balbeggie Street, is committed to providing affordable food and household items to the local community.
Linthouse Community Shop
Linthouse Community Shop has been open now for over a year, however, recently relocated to a new shop-front space at 1121 Govan Road, on the local high-street.
Cardonald Larder
Cardonald Larder operates out of the high-rise flats at 12 Swinton Place (found at 0/4), and has been located there for over a year, having recently celebrated its first birthday!
Threehills Community Supermarket
Threehills Glasgow is our flagship project opening in Summer 2022. Threehills is at the heart of the Greater Pollok community and includes a shopping area, a community café and an advice hub.